What is Development Approval (DA)?
As you would be aware, all councils and states have slightly different rules about what can be built where. From zoning regulations to guidelines in specific suburbs, navigating the development approval (DA) process can be daunting.
In Queensland, there are 5 types of development:
- Performing building work
- Performing plumbing or drainage work
- Conducting operational work
- Reconfiguring lot
- Changing the use of premises
It’s important to recognise that DA is not always required for every building and construction project. Typically, you only need DA if the project falls outside of the scope of local planning regulations. If DA is granted, you still require building approval (BA).
When determining whether approval is required, there are three categories of development that we’ll detail below. Ultimately, it’s a lot easier to let experienced developer builders manage all aspects of DA and BA approvals.
Prohibited Development
Quite simply, if the project falls into a category of prohibited development, no DA will be issued. More to the point, DA applications won’t even be accepted. An example may be plans for a bar or restaurant to be built on a residential street. If the project doesn’t meet zoning requirements, it won’t even be considered.
Accepted Development
Most usual forms of building and construction fall into the ‘accepted development’ category. This means the project does not require DA and can proceed as long as you gain the appropriate building approval (BA).
To fall into this category, a project must meet certain assessment benchmarks and essentially be eligible for BA.
Assessable Development
Finally, an assessable development means that it may or may not be accepted, but it is eligible to be assessed. These are the projects that do require DA, and they will be assessed for impact and adherence to relevant building codes. Naturally, all other aspects are considered during the approval process, too, such as site area, context, availability of services and more.
What is Building Approval (BA)?
Building Approval (BA) is required for almost all building projects in Queensland, and is much like a council building permit. Typically, a Building Certifier must be consulted for approval before you begin construction. Some local councils have their own certifiers, while others require you to seek independent approval.
The process involves submitting plans to the certifier, and he will assess them against the local city plan, building codes and other relevant legislation.
In certain cases, BA may be refused completely. Alternatively, if the project is only outside of BA regulations, it can be referred for development approval. Otherwise, if all the boxes are ticked, BA is granted for your project.
The DA approval process
Essentially, Development Approval (DA) is required for projects that fall slightly outside the scope of local regulations and codes. Rather than refuse or dismiss these potential projects immediately, local authorities can require you to seek DA. This is essential to determine the impact of your development on the local community.
During the DA process, your project is re-assessed against building codes to determine if it is suitable. It also goes to the public for comment. Town planners are usually responsible for issuing development approval.
If you’re successful in gaining DA for your project, you must then submit an application for Building Approval before you can commence.
The BA approval process
Seeking building approval is usually the first step, however this may depend on the project itself. For example, if you know that your development won’t strictly meet the requirements for BA, you’ll need to seek development approval first, then apply for BA. The most common process, though, it to apply for building approval first.
Once you submit an application, it will be assessed accordingly. It may be approved by the building certifier and you can begin construction. However, you may also be informed that your project requires development approval. In this instance, you would need to gain DA before re-submitting your BA application.
Building approvals are mostly assessed against the National Construction Code, but local regulations are also considered.
When do you need both DA and BA approval?
Essentially, any time that you need DA, you’ll also need BA. Unfortunately, just because you gain development approval, you still must seek building approval from your local council.
Perhaps the easiest way to look at it is this:
- All projects require Building Approval (BA).
- If your project falls slightly outside the scope of BA, it requires Development Approval (DA).
- Once DA is granted, it is likely that BA will also be granted, and you can commence building.
Helping you navigate the BA and DA approval process
At Groove Properties, we’re not just builders. We’re property developers, too. This gives experienced property developers peace of mind that their investments are in safe hands. We understand the entire property development process, including gaining BA and DA approval where necessary. If you’d like to check out some of our recent work, why not explore our 35-townhouse development in Bracken Ridge?
Take the stress out of your next project. Let us manage your development approval and building approval today.